Friday, March 25, 2011

And so it begins...

On a rainy night, rather like this one really - although I must say, it always seems to be raining around me, is that not strange? - no matter. We were celebrating my 16th year in the usual way of a grande party, the warm glow of candles and the overpowering smell of perfume masked the dreary weather outside and lit a fire in my heart. It was so enchanting back then, all those people there for me - reflecting back on it i now realise that the majority of them were there merely so they could play with politics and advance higher on the social ladder -  and I was happy, strange as that may seem to those of you who know me for what I am.
Ah! But I'm getting ahead of myself.
It was midway through the night, and I'd barely sat down to rest my feet when a young gentleman took my hand and asked me to dance.
Hm? What's that you say? A noise? Ah, I see. A customer. No matter, I shall return to continue my tale momentarily...


Thursday, March 24, 2011


To my house of cards and broken hearts.
I would tell you a story, if I may, of Devils and the Purest of hearts. If you wish to hear it, then I will talk and you can stay. Be warned however, this tale is long, for I have traveled far. If you have not the time to listen, to this strange story of another persons life, then the door, I say, is to the right, and you may leave at your convenience.
