Thursday, April 14, 2011

The lips of an innocent in pain...

They taste delectable, wouldn't you agree?

You don't know what I mean? Very well, I shall continue my tale and, hopefully, you will hear and understand.

A few days after the party I came to a decision. I would bury any feelings I had for him and move on. At first it worked out fine, I went about my daily life peacefully, innocently, naively.
For a while it went on as such, the memory of him only surfacing a few times - Occasionally I wondered what he was thinking, what he was doing, who he was with... But these thoughts were quickly realised and tucked back into the corner of my mind where, I hoped, they would remain forgotten.
It was a little over two months after the party when I finally met him again. It was a moment I would remember with bitterness in the years to come.
Shall I tell you about it? Would you like to know why?

I believe I shall. Ahh, but for now you seem weary. Come, rest your head upon my lap and let me lull you to sleep with one of my favourite melodies.


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Now where was I...

Ahh, yes. The dance.
How enchanted I was as he twirled me about the dance floor, his eyes, his smile, the warmth of his hand over my own and the support of his other on my waist, everything about him thrilled me. What I felt for him during that dance, I believe is as close to what you would call love as my sixteen year old self could feel. 
I remember so well, the blurry lights as we spun in circles. That light headed feeling as he led me off the dance floor, too soon, back to my seat.
He kissed my hand a last time before he moved on, and I watched him for the rest of the night, as he twirled other girls around, laughed with them, just as he'd done with me. In a flash I realised that I was no more than a simple wallflower to him; while it was true that I was quite pretty, I was only one pale bud in comparison to the others who surely made a radiant bouquet. If he so chose it, he could pick any flower from among it, myself included. Why then, would he ever choose me? Especially when there were surely many, much more beautiful flowers he could choose. This thought lingered in my mind for the rest of the night, and then much longer as I sat awake in my room, thinking about him till the early hours of the morning when finally I drifted into a sort of half sleep...

Forgive me, it seems my dearest Meari is in need of assistance. Please, make yourself at home while I go upstairs and see how I may help the matter.
