Thursday, April 14, 2011

The lips of an innocent in pain...

They taste delectable, wouldn't you agree?

You don't know what I mean? Very well, I shall continue my tale and, hopefully, you will hear and understand.

A few days after the party I came to a decision. I would bury any feelings I had for him and move on. At first it worked out fine, I went about my daily life peacefully, innocently, naively.
For a while it went on as such, the memory of him only surfacing a few times - Occasionally I wondered what he was thinking, what he was doing, who he was with... But these thoughts were quickly realised and tucked back into the corner of my mind where, I hoped, they would remain forgotten.
It was a little over two months after the party when I finally met him again. It was a moment I would remember with bitterness in the years to come.
Shall I tell you about it? Would you like to know why?

I believe I shall. Ahh, but for now you seem weary. Come, rest your head upon my lap and let me lull you to sleep with one of my favourite melodies.


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